Catholic Homeschool Online · BLOG Living History AUDIO "Living history" is infectious and constitutes a deep level of understanding. For our family, history is a family adventure, we immersed ourselves in a variety of time periods, even to point of having joined a...
Top Picks Medieval Books
For many years I had the rich treasure of reviewing books for our family's book business, Emmanuel Books. It is a joy to read and review thousands of books offered today to choose the very best ones that fit not only our family, but the needs of the thousands of...
Top Picks Ancient Egypt Books
For many years I had the rich treasure of reviewing books for our family's book business, Emmanuel Books. It is a joy to read and review thousands of books offered today to choose the very best ones that fit not only our family, but the needs of the thousands of...
Introducing Littles to History!
With the younger set, I really love to begin an introduction of history, and the concept of time, by simply telling stories. What kind of stories? I often began with the stories of my own family. My little ones and yours LOVE to hear the stories about "when mommy...
Introducing Your Little Ones to History!
With the younger set, I really love to begin an introduction of history and the concept of time by telling stories. We often begin with the stories of our own family. Little ones LOVE the "when mommy and daddy were little..." stories! We go through family photos of...
Paola’s Book Bites: Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egyptians and Their Neighbors By Marian Broida No study of Ancient Egypt can be complete without some exploration into the other cultures that existed at the same time and what better way than to add hands-on fun along with informative text. This unique...
Seven Lies About Catholic History
by Diane Moczar The author takes a close look at seven lies perpetuated by the culture and academia about the Catholic Church. She does not sugar coat any of the situations or deny corruption in the Church when it did, unfortunately, occur. In every age, but...
Will the real Guy Fawkes please stand…
Yesterday November 5th all England and the countries once under British rule celebrated Guy Fawkes day. This is the day marking the failed attempt in 1605 by a small group of conspirators whose plan was to blow up Parliament and King James I. The failed attempt is...
Questions for the Thinker Study Guides
By Fran Rutherford Truly this is an answer to a prayer. Ordinarily I eschew study guides for they tend to limit discussion and understanding by providing ready answers! However, Questions for Thinkers Study Guides are very DIFFERENT simply because of the wonderful...
Family of God: Grandparent Interview Activity Kit
by Maryanne Patterson This Grandparent Activity Kit is an additional kit from the author of Family of God that is a great way to sample her amazing history program as well as creating a treasure of family history. In her words, “Living relatives are a treasure trove...
Get Ready to Thrive in Your Homeschool
4 simple steps to create your best year! 25+ years of homeschool experience compressed into 1 simple guide. Written by Paola Ciskanik