Closed – Enter the Saints Art Contest for Catholic Teens!

by | Sep 24, 2021 | Featured, Latest News & Posts

11/4/21 – Announcing the new store!

It’s finally here! Thanks to our truly amazing contestants in the 2021 Saints Art Contest for Catholic  Teens, we have a 1st place finalist – and you can now purchase the winning art entry as a t-shirt, a pillow, a mug, and more!

Plus… because the runner-ups were so amazing, we’ve agreed to offer a special mug for each of them.

Visit the store here

the Saints Art Contest for Catholic Teens!

A portion of your purchase goes to the Catholic Homeschool Network. The rest to printing and shipping your order! Thank you for supporting us! 

10-27-21 update: announcing our finalist!

We have our winner for the first saints art contest for Catholic Teens!

Thank you to everyone in this community who helped with the voting! With almost 200+ votes, 46 votes went to the Holy Family entry, almost 30% more than the rest.

About this Entry: Holy Family – Sophia, 15
I’m a 15 year old homeschooler who loves to draw. I love the Holy Family and wanted to do a portrait of them. I started coloring in March (with colored pencils), and worked on it on and off until I finished a couple weeks ago. It took about 20-30 hours to finish. I especially loved to draw St. Joseph, since it is the year of St. Joseph.

What’s next?

Check back soon; we will be launching our store, featuring this beautiful art!

Leave a comment on what kinds of items you’d like us to make (t-shirts, mugs, etc.)!

10-21-21 update: announcing the top 3 finalists!

Vote here for your favorite to win first place

To vote, you will need to enter the Catholic Homeschool Community, or create a free account.

Our sponsor, JPCatholic has selected the top 3 finalists from the first judging round!
“We had a small panel of JPCatholic staff and art faculty vote on the ten pieces, to narrow it down to three. We were all impressed with the quality of submissions and it was tough to pick just three!”

Holy Family – Sophia, 15
I’m a 15 year old homeschooler who loves to draw. I love the Holy Family and wanted to do a portrait of them. I started coloring in March (with colored pencils), and worked on it on and off until I finished a couple weeks ago. It took about 20-30 hours to finish. I especially loved to draw St. Joseph, since it is the year of St. Joseph.

St. Catherine of Alexandria – Anna Lucia, 16
I am a self-taught digital artist with a passion for animation and illustration! I chose to draw St. Catherine of Alexandria for this challenge. She is one of the few “Holy Helper” saints in the Catholic Church, a collection of saints known for their incredibly effective intercessions. Her reputation as a scholar at the young age of 14, as well as her youthful martyrdom, are epic inspirations of courage and perseverance! Her depictions in icons and classical art are some of my favorites, and I was elated to finally try a hand at my own design! Thank you for this delightful challenge! God bless!

St. Therese – Hannah Hofer, 17
I’m a 17 year old artist who likes to draw realistic portraits. My submission is of St. Therese of Lisieux. She is on of my favorite saints and a big inspiration of mine.

10-19-21 Update! The top 10 entries from the contest entries have been selected:

Announcing: Top 10 Entries from the Saints Art Contest for Catholic Teens!

We’re serious when we say this was not an easy choice! The quality of art and various styles absolutely stunned Paola Ciskanik and your hosts for this contest. We did not expect this level of excellence and expertise.

Thank you for making our job as judges impossibly difficult!

We selected these top 10 entries based on adherence to the rules, clarity of art, and maturity of design.

What’s next?

The conference sponsor, JPCatholic, will review these top 10 and select the 3 best.

After that, we will invite everyone (meaning you!) to vote on the #1 favorite, right here in the community.

About this Contest

To celebrate our upcoming ‘Life After High School’ conference, we’re hosting an art contest for Catholic teens everywhere! This contest is sponsored by John Paul the Great Catholic University.

Prizes for the Top Place Winner:

  • $250 cash prize from Catholic Homeschool Network
  • The winning design will be turned into merch in our upcoming store
  • JPCatholic gifts a goodie box (Manga books, written by JPCatholic alumni) ‘Many Are Called,’ ‘Judith: Captive to Conqueror,’ ‘Paul: Tarsus to Redemption,’ JPCatholic t-shirt, JPCatholic stickers, ‘Quiet’: An illustration print by student Mia Schaller, Crash Course in Storytelling bookmark

How to Enter:

  • Make 1 drawing of your favorite saint. Only 1 entry per student.
  • Upload it to the comments on this post
  • Include 2-3 sentences: describe why you picked this saint, include your age, and a sentence describing yourself.
  • Deadline is October 15, 2021

How the Contest works:

  • After the October 15 deadline, we will select the top 10 best entries. Our choices will be on adherence to the rules, clarity of art, and maturity of design.
  • Our conference sponsors at John Paul the Great Catholic University will then judge the top 3.
  • Finally, we will invite everyone in our homeschool community to decide on the #1 winner!
  • Prizes will be awarded on Oct 18, 2021, after the final vote is published in the community!
  • By participating in this contest, you are granting the Catholic Homeschool Network a non-revocable, royalty-free license in perpetuity to use your submission and design in any media or medium. You retain all copyrights to your artwork, and can use it anywhere you wish.

How to get notified:

Join the mailing list to get news and updates, and to be alerted to the judging rounds! Winners will be notified by email.

What kind of art style?

All styles are welcome. The best illustrations will have strong lines that will print clearly – like a coloring book. Your art can be black and white, or full color. Ideally the art should be inked in marker, pen, or paint, or digital art like Adobe Sketch or Photoshop. Pencil-sketched art won’t print as well.

Take a photo or scan it in. Ensure that it is clear and flat, not at an angle or with shadows.

Who can enter?

  • Middle school and High school ages 12 to 18.
  • You do not have to be a homeschooler
  • You can be anywhere in the world

John Paul the Great Catholic University | JPCatholic

Sponsor: John Paul Catholic University

Located in Southern California, JPCatholic is the Catholic university for creative arts and business innovation. We combine hands-on instruction in media and business with an enriching Catholic liberal arts education. Experience small class sizes, mentorship from industry professionals, and a community of creative Catholics who believe in the power of beauty to transform culture.

Meet JPCatholic

Ready? Go!

Ask any questions below, and as soon as you have your drawing, upload it below. Deadline is October 15, 2021

We can’t wait to see your amazing artwork!

Put in your email right here to stay notified ↓


  1. Dominic

    Voting has now begun! JPCatholic will review the top 10, and before the weekend, we plan to announce the top 3.

    Congratulations to absolutely everyone who entered!

    • Samantha Habach

      Good job everyone! 😀

    • Sophia S

      Can we see the top ten?

    • Irene Prue

      when is the #1 chosen?

  2. Kristine Hornbek

    When does the voting happen? I signed up my email to receive updates, but haven’t received anything. I also checked the Catholic Homeschool Community and haven’t seen anything.

    • Hannah Virnig

      Me too!

    • Sophia Klein

      I am also wondering about this.

      • Caecilia Brown

        Lol, same! I have no idea when the voting will happen…

    • Kateri

      Glad someone asked the question haha! I was wondering the exact same thing! I checked both as well and I couldn’t find anything but I thought it was just me lol

      • Lucy Casey

        Maybe the winners are the only ones being notified? I didn’t get an email either

  3. Chelle M.

    Hello! My name is Chelle, age 10, and I love to draw. I chose St. Agnes of God because she was so humble and peaceful and loyal to her faith. I might choose her for my Confirmation name.

  4. Grace Graves

    This is Our Lady Giver of Life. I chose her because of my deep devotion to her but also because like her I would like to be a mother someday.
    My name is Grace and I am 13 and the oldest of 7. I enjoy art (mostly landscapes), reading, running, sewing, and gymnastics.

    • Grace Graves

      Oops I did not mean to post it so many times. SORRY.

  5. Minseo

    Hello, my name is Minseo Harthausen and I am 14 years old. I chose St. Cecilia, the patron Saint of music, as my Saint because I have a firm passion for the clarinet and piano. I love the sound of music, and the joy of performing for others.

  6. Thurmond Russell

    I’m 13 years old and I enjoy just about anything to do with the arts. This is St. Therese of Lisieux, whom I chose for her Little Way, and her relationship with God.

  7. Sophie S

    Hi, my name is Sophie and I’m seventeen. I chose St. Teresa of Avila for two reasons; first, because the deadline for this contest is her feast day, and second, because she is my patron saint (since my middle name is Teresa.) I love reading comics and drawing people in anime style, and I’m currently writing a webcomic.

    • Ruth

      Cool! Whats the webcomic called?

  8. Samantha Habach

    I had trouble uploading my image– I hope it shows up here!

  9. Samantha Habach

    Hi, my name is Samantha. I’m fourteen years old and a self-taught artist who loves animation, marine biology, and all things swimming.
    My submission is Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus– Saint Joseph is my favorite saint because he is so fatherly and strong.
    I am depicting him as a young man because, in the words of Mother Angelica, “Old men don’t walk to Egypt!”
    The Child Jesus is wearing a red robe, since Sisters Lucia of the Fatima visions said that is what He wore during the Miracle of the Sun.
    I hope you like it– God bless!

    • Michelle

      Wow! This is sooo great! I love the feeling and compostion and can’t believe this didn’t make the top ten!

      • Samantha Habach

        Thanks, that’s very kind of you to say. 🙂

  10. Finn Stack

    My name is Finn Stack, I am 14 in 9th grade and one of 7 homeschooled children.
    I chose Saint Francis because he gave so much to God, also I like animals and he is going to be my Confirmation saint.

  11. Petra Sullivan

    The first post of my artwork was a little unclear. Hopefully this one turns out better.

  12. Seamus Stack

    My name is Seamus Stack. I am 13 and in 8th grade. I chose St. Jean Vianney because he is going to be my confirmation saint. I read a book about him called The Cure of Ars: the priest who out-talked the devil, and I found his life very inspiring.

    • Katherine

      What a neat perspective! Thank you for giving us an image of this great man and saint!

  13. Petra Sullivan

    I’m 14 years old, and I love art, reading, and learning about Catholic Saints. I chose Saint Elizabeth of Hungary because I admire how she and her husband, Blessed Ludwig of Thuringia, both dearly loved each other and, together, lived an almost perfect married life. I also admire St. Elizabeth because, even though she was a queen, she still committed herself to charitable works toward the poor. Additionally, I am attracted to St. Elizabeth because she modeled her life after the life of St. Francis of Assisi, one of my favorite saints.

    • Katherine

      This looks like the beginning of a book about St Elizabeth! She is quite a powerful and humble role model.

  14. Cecilia

    My name is Cecilia. I’m a 15 year-old homeschooler who loves to solve Rubik’s cubes and enjoys computer programming. I chose Mary because she is our loving mother.

  15. Abraham

    I am 13 years old. I chose this Saint because Saint John Paul II is my favorite Pope, and is a great example for all of us. I like board games, history, science and sports.

  16. Lucia Fontecchio

    My name is Lucia. I am 12, and I love to draw. Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton was born on August 28,1774 in New York. She started a school for girls and is the first Amarican saint. I chose her because I admire how she was a wife, a mother and a sister. I hope to have her for my confirmation saint.

  17. Juliana

    Hello! I’m Juli and I am a sixteen-year-old homeschooler with many siblings. I like to write and play sports, among other things. I chose Blessed Carlo because he is a great example of joy and love. He shows us that we should be the unique people God had made us to be. This is an important message for teens. We don’t have to be what the world tells us to be! 🙂

  18. Violet Dethlefs

    Hi, my name is Violet, I am 12 and I am in 6th grade. I drew Saint Kateri Tekakwitha because I like her nickname ‘Lily of the Mohawks’ and that she was a Native American. The flowers in the back round are lilies.

  19. Kiera

    Hi! My name is Kiera and I am 15 years old.
    I enjoy writing and reading, drawing, and discussing the Catholic faith 🙂
    I picked St. Faustina Kowalska because the story that is writing in her diary (Divine Mercy In My Soul) is wonderful, and paints vivid images of how Jesus spoke through her writing. She also had the Jesus I Trust in You painting done as asked by Christ. 🙂

    • Kiera

      Okay, now I accidentally sent it twice 😂sorry about that!

  20. Samantha Gutierrez

    My name is Samantha Gutierrez and I am 15. I have been drawing since I was very little and have had a passion for it ever since. I continue to work on my art everyday because one day I want to pursue it as a daily job. St. Teresa of Avila is a great role model to me because she always tries to look for God even through the worst of times. I think it’s also very interesting that today, October 15, is her feast day and that we can take the time to acknowledge her for all she’s taught in lessons we can learn from her.

  21. Sophia

    I would just like to point out the sheer amount of people in this contest named Sophia or Sofia. This is the highest density of Sophia/Sofias I have ever seen.

    • Kateri Esposito

      Haha man I was noticing the same thing 😂

  22. Gianna

    I am 12 years old and I like drawing people. I chose St. Philomena because of her courage and perseverance during her martyrdom. I also admire the way that she put God before everything else.

  23. Thomas Vines

    Hello, I’m a 13 year old homeschooler who loves to draw and paint.
    I drew Saint Dominic Savio because he is one of my favorite saints.

  24. Laura Klein

    Hello, I am Laura Klein and I am 14 and a Catholic Homeschooled farmer. I enjoy playing the violin and working with our horses. This is a painting of St. Maria Goretti. I choose her because she is my confirmation saint and she reminds us to be pure, even in this world’s darkness. The dagger is because she was stabbed 11 times.

  25. Sophia Wise

    My name is Sophia Wise and I chose St. Kateri Tekakwitha because she has been my favorite saint since a toddler, my Gramma went to Rome to her canonization and she is an inspiration to me. I am 12 years old and here is my art submission. Thank you for this art contest. I enjoy seeing the other entries.

  26. Lucia Hunter

    My name is Lucia. I’m 14 years old. I chose to do Saint Jacinta because she was so young and yet so brave when her family and friends persecuted her. She also had such a great trust in God and in our mother Mary. I drew the portrait with colour pencils and a regular graphite pencil.

    • Nelly

      Congratulations, your picture is beautiful. I love the colors.
      I didn’t know St. Jacinta, I’ll look for more information later to know her better.
      Good bless!

  27. Tayah Lewis

    I am going to try to send my image again.

  28. Gabriella Cottrill

    Hello my name is Gabriella and I am 16.I am a homeschooler from Massachusetts and I am so excited to participate. My peace is done in water color and marker.I chose St.Francis of Aisis because I have had a devotion to him since I was little. He is also going to be my confirmation Saint. Thank you for inviting me to participate. I have loved to see everyone’s art work. I am so grateful,

  29. Tayah Lewis


    Hi My name is Tayah Lewis I am 12 years old and I LOVE to draw and do arts and crafts, I have been doing distance learning because of the virus but it has been fun, I thought this would be a really fun project. I drew St. Gianna Bretta Molla as my Saint. I have always loved her, I think her story is super inspiring and I love reading about her. She was one of the most selfless people I have ever heard about. On the banner is one of her sayings, the stethoscope represents how good of a doctor she was, the heart represents how amazing of a mother she was, and the rose represents her flower.

  30. Sophia Klein

    Hello, my name is Sophia Klein and I just turned 18. This is a painting of Saint Quiteria.
    If you don’t know who she is, my favorite explanation can be found here:
    My favorite part is why she didn’t want to get married to a pagan husband: …”fidelity in marriage is not only meant to exclusively be faithful to one another (spouse-to-spouse); but that faithfulness is supposed to be shown to God, as well. As Bishop Fulton Sheen would say, ‘It takes three to get married.’ “

    • Sophia Klein

      Sorry, I forgot to describe myself. I am Sophia Klein, a homeschooled Catholic farmer from Oregon. I enjoy piano, violin, working with horses, making videos, writing my book and taking naps. Unfortunately, I have hardly ever have time for these things, because farming and school get in the way. I want to pursue a career in fiction writing or film, so I can impact culture for and through Christ. I think the world needs more strong young Catholic willing to stand up and ‘set the world on fire’. The painting is of St Quiteria, showing how Christ can overcome all thing–for example beheading and getting thrown into the ocean.

      • Katherine

        Beautiful! It sounds like St Catherine of Siena has encouraged you to discern your gifts and use them! I enjoyed learning about St Quiteria. Be bold in writing your stories and sharing beauty and Truth with the world!

  31. Sofia DeBoer

    My name is Sofia DeBoer and I am 15 soon to be 16 and I drew Saint Michael. I drew him because he is the patron saints of first responders and I want to be an EMS. I also want to get a nursing degree through UMary in Bismark. I drew him with a hood becausewe do not know what he actually looks like. I gave him a flaming sword like the angel guarding the garden of Eden. I also gave him a whip that has five main strands that represent the five decades of the rosary, there are ten smaller one off of each of the main ones those symbolize the ten hail marys in each decade.

    • Sofia DeBoer

      I realized I forgot to add this but I modeled the sword after St. Joan of arc with the four crosses on the sword.

  32. Hannah Virnig

    Hi! My name is Hannah! I am fifteen years old. I chose St. Faustina because not only is she my confirmation saint, she is also my role model for my prayer life. She inspires me through her diary and through her message of Divine Mercy. I admire her closeness to God and her willingness to commit herself to the Lord. Hopefully this is not too late!

    • Hannah Virnig

      Sorry that it is not colored a whole lot, I just found out about this competition yesterday night, so I only had a yesterday night and this morning to draw this.

  33. Gianna Thérèse Palumbo

    My name is Gianna Thérèse Palumbo. I’m a 15 year old who lives on a farm and just loves animals. I drew St. Thérèse because my whole life she has been my ‘big sister,’ and like a big sister, has been, and continues to be, protective of me, encouraging, so, so loving and just always with me. She always looks out for me and is a huge part of me and always will be.

  34. Grace Palumbo

    My name is Grace Palumbo, and I am 13 years old. I live on a farm in Ohio and I have ten siblings. I chose St Philomena because she is my favorite saint. She was fearless and strong and pure. I want to spread devotion to her everywhere I can!

  35. Mary Hornbek

    Hello, my name is Mary Hornbek, I am 13 years old and I enjoy drawing very much. I chose to make a picture of Mother Mary because she is my mother and I love her so much. I painted her carrying Jesus because I wanted to include Him somewhere in the picture, and because I wanted the picture to stir peoples’ hearts to love Jesus more, just as Mary does.

  36. Emily Santiago

    Hi, my name is Emily Santiago. I am 16 years old, I am a Seton Homeschool student. I love to draw, and recently started getting in to digital art. After high school I would like to attend JP Catholic University and study Illustration. I chose St. Therese because she was so strong in her faith in God and even though she did not have an easy life, she lived simply… with peace and joy, I also chose her as my Confirmation Saint.

  37. Peter Hornbek

    Hi, my name Peter Hornbek and I live in Virginia. I chose John Paul II because he is my confirmation saint and because I love how he affected the world so much. I hope more people will be inspired by his life.

    • Peter Hornbek

      I’m 15.

  38. Emily Vines

    Hi! I’m Emily, a 15 year old sophomore. I enjoy sewing, gardening, running, cooking, babysitting, and, of course, painting. I especially love watercolor, so this painting was really fun. I chose to paint Maximilian Kolbe because for as long as I can remember, I have been inspired by his extreme selflessness in giving his life for another. I have learned from his example what it means to cheerfully make sacrifices for others. Thank you for hosting this contest!

  39. Caecilia Brown

    My name is Caecilia Brown, I’m 16 years old, and an avid quote-collector, reader, artist, and writer, among many other hobbies!
    I picked St. Thomas Aquinas for many reasons. First, he is one of the patron saints of education and school children. He also wrote the Summa Theologica, which I read many parts of recently. Aquinas tackles many (if not all!) of the most important questions in life, and I think he should really be read by anyone feeling any doubts about their Faith. He certainly helped strengthen my Faith. In his Summa, he also wrote an article on the necessity and goodness of humor, play, and jokes (in moderation, of course). He described good humor as being “rest of the soul,” and in fact necessary for a holy life, and I found this rather novel.

    • Caecilia Brown

      If it is not too late, this should be a clearer picture. I apologize for a second post.

  40. Grace R.

    Hi everyone, my name is Grace! I am 18 years old and enjoy reading, knitting/crocheting, playing piano, and drawing pencil sketches of my favorite people/characters. I chose to draw Saint Elizabeth of Hungary because she has always been one of my favorite saints, and I really appreciate her for her humility, charity, and patience with everyone around her. St. Elizabeth is often portrayed with roses, in reference to the miracle in which bread that she was carrying to the poor was changed to roses. I hope that my picture is not too late for submission, but there was no specified time zone on the deadline, and in my time zone (Pacific Time,) it is still October 14th.

  41. Miriam Brown

    My name is Miriam Brown. I drew Our Lady of Fatima. I chose her because I love the Blessed Virgin Mary. I also love praying the rosary as a family.

    • Miriam Brown

      Sorry I didn’t include my age. I am thirteen.

  42. Izabella Gutierrez

    Hello! My name is Izabella Gutierrez and I am 16 years old!
    I picked St. Therese of Lisieux to paint because I love how her love for God and others always came first even in her youth!
    Thank you for this opportunity and God bless!

  43. Irene Prue

    Hi! I’m 13 years old and I love creative writing and art. I’m a total beginner in digital art but I hope to get better. I chose St. Margaret Mary Aloque because she is my confirmation saint. I love her devotion to the Sacred Heart. St. Margaret Mary, pray for us!

  44. Emma

    Hi! I’m Emma, and I recently turned 18! I am a homeschooling high school Senior, and I will be heading off to college next fall to study Animation! I have always loved art since I was little, and I have found that the more that I have done it over the years, the more my love for it has grown. It brings me so much joy knowing that others are given joy when they look at my art!
    I am submitting an image of Saint Therese of Lisieux, who is my Mom and my sister’s patron saint. I wanted to capture Saint Therese as a young girl to show that she was on her path to holiness even before she entered the Carmelite order; she is always depicted as a nun, but I wanted to show that her journey to humility for Jesus began even before her religious life.

  45. Marie-Anne Denise Gagnon

    Dear judges and fellow competitors,
    My name is Marie-Anne Gagnon and I am almost 17 years old. I am very enthusiastic about art and I have been drawing ever since I could hold a pencil! I made a drawing of St. Pope John Paul II for the contest: I can relate a lot to him and admire his great faith. He had a great love for the arts. He loved music, writing and acting, as well as plays: several thing that I enjoy, too. St. Pope John Paul II also spoke eight languages, so I pray to him to help me as I learn different languages. I drew him in this pose because I find he looks so prayerful in it.

    God bless!

  46. Thomas Lloyd Gagnon

    My name is Thomas Gagnon. I am 15 years old.
    I live on a farm with a lot of animals and plants. I chose Saint Francis because I like nature and animals like he does.

  47. Benjamin Vines

    I’m a seventeen year old artist from San Antonio, Texas, I love to paint, and this was really fun! I painted St Patrick, as he has always been one of my favorite saints, mostly because of the story about his magic contest with a druid (the druid lost).

  48. Anna Lucia Jeffers

    Good day!
    My name is Anna Lucia! I am 16 years old, and I am a self-taught digital artist with a passion for animation and illustration!
    I chose to draw St. Catherine of Alexandria for this challenge. She is one of the few “Holy Helper” saints in the Catholic Church, a collection of saints known for their incredibly effective intercessions. Her reputation as a scholar at the young age of 14, as well as her youthful martyrdom, are epic inspirations of courage and perseverance! Her depictions in icons and classical art are some of my favorites, and I was elated to finally try a hand at my own design!
    Thank you for this delightful challenge! God bless!

    • Irene Prue

      🤩your art is AMAZING 👏

  49. Hans Severson

    Salve. My name is Hans Severson and I am 17. I chose to draw St. Francis of Assisi because he has been my favorite since childhood. As a kid, I loved how he showed a great appreciation for animals and today I find it amazing that he is the first official saint to have carried the stigmata. I hope you enjoy the drawing! Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum.

  50. Max Devick

    Hello there! My name is Max, and I am a big fan of Jp2! Someday, I would love to go there for college and learn game art! I chose St. Maximilian Kolbe because he is the Saint that I’m named after actually, and I love his story. Especially his ministry in Japan. Did you know that he build a seminary in Nagasaki surrounded by a huge mountain, and when the atomic bomb was dropped, no one was hurt because the mountain took the greater force of the bomb?! That’s pretty awesome! Anyways, thank you for the change to enter this contest, and God Bless you all!

    • Katherine

      What a great image! St Maximilian Kolbe looks both kindly and strong. You have captured his humanity and sainthood at the same time.

  51. Hans Severson

    I tried submitting my artwork but it said “ERROR: WordPress does not allow this type of upload. please help me, the deadline is nigh.

    • Cailin Bennett

      I am a 17 year old homeschooler with many hobbies, including singing, homesteading, hiking, baking, and art. When it comes to art, I enjoy doing pencil sketches, and watercolors. My artwork here is a digitally edited watercolor picture of my Confirmation saint-Saint Gemma Galgani.

  52. Rosemary

    Hello! I submitted Brigid’s and Caitlin’s pictures (I’m their mom). They showed up in this thread, but now I don’t see them anymore. Were they accepted as entries?
    Thank you!

    • Rosemary

      Sorry… I reloaded and I now see them!

  53. Sophia Simon

    My name is Sophia Simon and I am fifteen years old. I love doodling and have an INTJ Meyer Briggs personality type. I picked Saint Agnes of Rome because she is the patron saint of virgins and I don’t know what direction I should go in the future in that aspect of life.

    • Kateri Esposito

      My sister is an INTJ!! I bet you two would get along super well, she loves art but prefers landscapes
      I’m an ENFP! And Saint Agnes is my confirmation saint so that’s supa cool

  54. Hannah Auil

    Hello, my name is Hannah Auil. I am twelve years old. I like painting, playing instruments, playing volleyball and skating. I chose Mary because she is the loving, caring Mother of Christ. She helps us to come closer to God.

    • Hannah Auil

      I Took another photo because the last one wasn’t too clear. I hope this one is better.

  55. Sophie LeBleu

    Hi! My name is Sophie, I am 13 years old, and I love to read and draw. I chose St. Joan of Arc because she is strong, brave, and a great inspiration to girls of all ages.

  56. Sophia Gagnon

    My name is Sophia I am 13, and I am homeschooled. My grandfather was an artist. I picked St. Kateri for she loved nature and she loved God very much.

    • Kateri Esposito

      Haha she’s pretty epic

  57. Brigid

    Hello, my name is Brigid, and I am thirteen and a half years old. I enjoy music, sketching faces, and my favorite subject is algebra. I chose Saint Brigid of Ireland, as she is my patron saint. Many details about her life are debated, but it is said Saint Brigid (also known as Brigid of Kildare) was born in the year 451 A.D. into slavery, being freed some years later. She became a nun, and established several monasteries. Her feast day is February the first.

  58. Maria Del angel

    These are amazing! We are enjoying reading these entries. What a great idea!

  59. Caitlin

    My name is Caitlin; I’m 14 years old and a homeschooler. I have one sister. I love art. I drew St. Joan of Arc because I like her, and I like soldiers and warriors. I like her story, and she’s my Confirmation saint.

  60. Brigid

    Hi! I am Brigid! I am 15 and live in Colorado. I also homeschool and like art! This is a picture of Saint Maria Goretti, looking up towards God. I added lilies because after her death, she appeared to her murderer and gave him lilies. I visited her relics in Oklahoma City, and she is my Confirmation saint.

  61. Everett Overcash

    My name is Everett and I am twelve years old; I live in Idaho and enjoy reading and playing outside.

    I chose Saint Paul the Apostle because of his story of conversion and dedication to God. I also enjoy following his travels throughout the world, preaching the story of salvation.

    • Maria Del angel

      This is so good! We love Saint Paul, too! We are from the island of Malta, and we are grateful that he was shipwrecked there! We are thankful to St. Paul for our faith!

      Good job to all! 🙂

  62. Mirabella

    My name is Mirabella de Ocampo, and I am 12 years old. I am in 8th grade and my hobbies are reading and singing. I chose St. Faustina because she is my Confirmation saint, and she really inspires me by her humility and obedience. I try to pray to her every day.

  63. Valentine Becerra

    My name is Valentine, I’m an 8th grade homeschooling student who likes to study geography.
    I have chosen to draw St. Joan of Arc because of her obedience to God and her bravery in leading the French army to victory.

  64. Sophia Becerra

    My name is Sophia , I’m 12 year old. I am a homeschooled 7th grader.
    I chose to draw St. Francis of Assisi because he could communicate with animals and I also like animals .

  65. Ruth

    My name is Ruth, I recently turned 14, and I am an artist. I chose Saint Lucy for my art piece because her loyalty is amazing, and we know so little about her compared to other saints. I chose to depict her as she might have been before sainthood, when she was just a human being trying to do the right thing.

  66. Neil Mah-Chamberlain

    Hello my name is Neil I am 12 years old. I run ,draw, computer program on Khan Academy,and read for fun. I chose saint Longinus because he is my confirmation saint and I have always felt attracted to him.

  67. Maria

    I am sixteen years old, and I chose to draw St. Catherine of Bologna because she is the patron saint of artists. I have read about her in a book called ”Holy Women” by Pope Benedict XVI. She was a Poor Clare who lived during the Middle Ages and drew pictures and illuminated manuscripts.

  68. Ephrem Dauvin

    Hello, my name is Ephrem Dauvin, and I would like to submit the drawing of my confirmation saint, Servulus of Rome. Born with cerebral palsy, he was daily left by his family at the steps of Rome to beg for his food, because his family couldn’t feed him or have him around. His holiness attracted the attention of many people, and he divided their donations among his fellow beggars, his family, and to buy holy books for himself. He couldn’t read, but would ask priests passing by to read them to him. He would then memorize what he heard, putting them to song. He died fairly young. Thanks for your consideration!

  69. Mary Rennier

    My name is Mary and I’m 13 year old. I like that homeschooling lets me get in a full school workload and still have time to explore different art. I wanted to paint Our Lady of Guadalupe for this challenge because I thought the combination of strong lines and colorful watercolors fit the contest criteria well, and I am fascinated by all the details in the tilma that have been revealed by years of scientific work. I have chosen Our Lady of Guadalupe for my confirmation saint and hope to see the tilma in person some day.

  70. Nikolas Van Hees

    I’m Nikolas Van Hees. I’m a 12 year old homeschooler in seventh grade. I chose to draw St. Damien of Moloka’i because of his trust in the Lord in times of fear. (he was at first afraid of catching leprosy) I only drew him in black and white because I have trouble choosing which color to use. I enjoy playing guitar, drawing and writing manga comics.

  71. Helen Wallenberg

    I am 17 years old and have been studying art since I was about 12, when I joined an atelier studio, and I recently started transitioning from traditional mediums to working on digital art as well. I ended up choosing St. Veronica only after sketching out several of my favorite Saints and, as I was unhappy with the results, I was looking for a different subject when I came across some paintings that wonderfully portrayed her love and devotion and inspired me to draw her.

    • Helen Wallenberg

      It doesn’t look like the image uploaded the first time, hopefully this works:

      • Helen Wallenberg

        Trying again:

      • Helen Wallenberg

        The last one was a bit blurry, so hopefully this uploads and is clearer. Sorry about all the posts.

  72. Mary Lou

    Sorry, I don’t think the picture attached on the last one? Let me try again:

    • Lucy Casey

      Hi, my name is Lucy and I am 15 years old. I picked St. Dymphna because i think that she is a very good example for girls my age. She is the patron saint of mental illnesses and in the future I wish to help people with mental health issues. I normally create my art with watercolor and gouache paint, but for this one I used oil pencils because i thought it would work best for the style I was going for.

      • Lucy casey

        I don’t think my last comment uploaded my photo, I’ll try again.

    • Kiera

      Looks so beautiful!!!

  73. Mary Lou

    Hi! My name is Mary and I’m 17. I ended up drawing St. Veronica because I’ve always loved how the simplest thing –in her case, cleaning the blood off of someone’s face– still mean the world to Christ.
    Thank you for the opportunity!

    • Mary Lou

      Typo- I’m 16, not 17.

  74. Naomi Shipley

    Hello! My name is Naomi. I chose to draw Saint Maria Goretti. She’s my confirmation saint and I really admire her joyfulness and willingness to forgive. Normally I stick to more detailed watercolor and pencil sketches, but I made it my #1 priority to portray Maria’s joy in my picture. I’m 13 years old, I love making art for people, and spending time in the outdoors.

  75. Joshua Daniel Thomas Hornbek

    My name is Joshua Hornbek, and I live in Virginia. I am sixteen years old, and I’ve been a “comic writer” since I was seven. I chose Saint Joseph partly because it’s the year of Saint Joseph but also because of the many virtues he possessed; mainly, justice, humility, and purity – three very needed virtues for our times. Also, Saint Joseph is the patron saint of the Universal Church, so I believe that dedicating one’s self to Saint Joseph is one of the best ways to help change the world, and as a Catholic that sounds super exciting.

  76. Madeleine (Maddi) Mace

    My name is Maddi and I’m 14 almost 15, and I love to do art. I’m a military child and so the saint I chose St. Michael, because he has significant meaning to me. For protecting my dad when he was deployed, and for keeping my family safe through all our moves. Over the past few weeks, I’ve had little things that I didn’t put together till now that were pointing me towards St. Michael. Such as randomly thinking about a childhood parish I attended called St. Michael, as well as last weekend I was in Minnesota, and at the church, we attended they had a poster board with the pictures of their parishioners that were in the military as well as prayer cards to St. Michael to take home, I didn’t know why then but I felt like I had to take a prayer card, so I did. I’ve also been drawing angels lately so it seemed fitting.

  77. Kateri

    Hello, I just wanted to check, I submitted an image on October 11th and it still says waiting for moderation… did I do something in the submission process wrong? And if so how can I fix it?

    • Dominic

      Thank you for following up. 🙂 It is published now!

    • Kateri

      Oh never mind! It just got fixed, thank you!

  78. Bridget

    I created a digital art piece of Saint Dymphna. I used dark lines and bright colors.
    I chose Saint Dymphna because of my Irish heritage and how brave she was.
    I am 13 years old and enjoy reading and animals.

    • Bridget

      Re-submitting picture…

      • Bridget

        I have tried twice to upload a jpg of my picture, but it does not work. What should I do?

      • Dominic

        Thanks for letting us know, Bridget 🙂 How large is your image? It should be compressed in size – around 2 MB is enough. If larger, then it may not work.

      • Bridget

        I re-submitted my picture again with a smaller file. It posted, said it was “waiting for moderation,” but then disappeared. Does that mean it is still too large? Thank you!

      • Dominic

        Bridget’s image attached here. 🙂

  79. Maria Clara A. Perez

    Hi! I’m a 15 year old Brazilian homeschooler who loves to draw 🙂 I drew Saint Catherine of Siena, one of my favorite saints. One of the reasons she’s one of my favorite saints is because she was brave enough to tell people what they needed to hear.

    • Maria Clara A. Perez

      Sorry I just realized I accidently sent it in twice 🤦‍♀️

  80. Maria Clara A. Perez

    Hi! I’m a 15 year old, Brazilian homeschooler. I drew Saint Catherine of Siena, who is one of my favorite saints 🙂

    • Eloïse Brown

      My name is Eloïse Brown, and I am fifteen years old. I like exercising, baking, and listening to music. I chose to draw Saint Gianna Beretta Molla because I found her story as a student inspirational. St. Gianna was not a naturally good student and did not like school in her younger years, so she did not get very good grades. However, after she went on a retreat about the Last Four Things she made a list of resolutions that she stuck with her whole life; One of these resolutions being that she would study as hard as she could, even though she had no wish to. From then on, St. Gianna excelled at school and went on to become a very good Catholic doctor, and eventually, a saint.

  81. Zachery Dauvin

    Hello, my name is Zachery Dauvin, and I drew this picture of St John Macias. St John Macias was a great Dominican monk who traveled from Spain to the New World to convert the people there. He saved over a million souls (according to Jesus), and was a great miracle worker. Thanks for hosting the competition!

  82. Josiah Dauvin

    My name is Josiah Dauvin, and I am 17 years old. My confirmation saint, and favorite saint, is St Ferdinand of Castile. I admire his heroic faith and leadership. This was done in pencil, and partially based off of one of St Ferdinand’s royal portraits as well as a photograph by Pierre Gonnord. Thank you to JPCatholic for hosting this competition!

    • Josiah Dauvin

      This was drawn specifically for this contest, but I seem to have missed that it should have been line art. Oh, well. I’m a homeschooler.

    • Natasha LeBlanc

      Oh my goodness! Your depiction of St. Ferdinand of Castile is epic!

  83. Diego

    The reason I drew St. Luke is because he is my Confirmation saint. Age is 15.

    • Diego

      I did one with a quote too incase.

  84. Kateri Esposito

    Hey I’m Kateri, a 17-year-old from Virginia Beach who plays travel soccer, violin, piano, percussion, and loves to surf as well as water ski. I picked Saint Joseph because I did a 30 day novena to him during a really hard time in my life, and just as he cradled the Child Jesus in his arms, he guided me through the storms of my life with his steady hand and brought me closer to the Heart of Jesus. I was actually recently accepted into JPCatholic, and I hope to pursue a career in animation for children’s media, so just as Saint Joseph was Jesus’ first protector, I hope to protect and bring light to younger generations through the art of storytelling.

    • Katherine

      Your image and bio gives me hope for the future of children’s animation!! This is a tender image, capturing a moment and the love of father for a son. It already tells a story. Cheers!

  85. Hannah Blosser

    My name is Hannah Blosser, and I’m a 16 year old Junior in high school. Art is one of my favorite hobbies, and my favorite style is simple pencil sketching. I chose to draw St. Perpetua, one of the early martyrs, since she is a saint I greatly admire for her courage and faith in God (and she’s my Confirmation saint!).

  86. William

    My name is William and I am 17 years old. I love to draw and sketch; here I did a cartoonish drawing because in this case I thought simpler might be better. I chose St. Francis because we have a lot of animals at my house and it seemed appropriate, and we just celebrated his Feast Day!

  87. Marie-Anne Denise Gagnon

    Can the image you post be of a guardian angel? Or does that not count.

    • Marie-Anne Denise Gagnon

      What I mean is, does a guardian angel count as a saint for the contest?

      • Anonymous

        A guardian angel is a saint. I’m pretty sure it ought to count!

  88. Zachary Johnson

    The reasons I chose to draw St. Padre Pio are that I like him and I drew him twice before. My age is 13.

  89. Jacinta Sigaud

    My name is Jacinta, and I am 16 years old. I am a homeschooled high school senior raised in a large French family on the coast of Maine. St. Cecilia and I share a passion for music, which is why I chose her as my confirmation saint eight years ago, and why I chose to paint her now.

    • Hannah Walker

      My name is Hannah Walker. I am a freshman at Notre Dame High School in Chattanooga, TN. I am 13 years old, almost 14. I chose St Therese of Liseux, the ‘Little Flower’ because I admire her devotion to our Savior. I would love to have her quiet, constant faith and purity of heart. She is one of my favorites, I bet she is one of Jesus’ favorites too. I ask for her intercession often.

  90. Alee

    Saint Joseph, Terror of demons, pray for us! I am 15 years of age and drew this image of St. Joseph as a gift for my dad on his birthday. Some of my favorite hobbies are drawing in pen and ink, playing guitar, and slalom skiing.

  91. Mariah Weinell

    This is a coloring page I drew of St. Philomena; she is my Confirmation Saint and my favorite saint.
    St. Philomena was born in Corfu, Greece, in the year 291 AD. She devoted herself to God and served Him in any way she could. When she was of age to be married, her parents went about finding her a husband, but they did not know that their daughter would never marry. When the Roman Emperor Diocletian was about to wage an unjust war on Corfu, Philomena and her parents traveled to Rome to negotiate for peace. The emperor wished to marry Philomena, but she refused. Philomena was tortured for three days, but after being healed by angels and the Blessed Mother herself, Diocletian was so infuriated that he killed Philomena by beheading her.

    I am a bit disappointed in myself for not being able to make something as great as some of the other pieces of art in this competition, but I had about two weeks to draw this because I found out about the competition a only a little while ago. Will you take submissions that are not colored in?

    My name is Mariah Weinell, I am 14 years old, I play violin, and I love doing martial arts.

    • Dominic

      Yes, we’re happy to accept line art like your illustration! 🙂

  92. Maria Russo

    I chose St. Cecelia to draw for many reasons. One, she is my patron saint. Two, she is a pretty cool saint to draw because she holds a harp, which is one of my favorite instruments to look at and listen to. The last reason is because of the miracles attached to her. One of those was when the Romans tried to cut off her head. Sorry this is kind of vile. It didn’t work, though she did die a few days later from it.

    A little about me: My name is Maria, I am 12 and a half years old, and I like to play several different instruments.

  93. Elizabeth Schuster

    My name is Elizabeth Schuster, I am 14 years old, I am a homeschooler and I love soccer and art. I picked Saint Teresa of Calcutta because she inspires me with her love for the poor.

  94. Hannah Hofer

    I’m Hannah, a 17 year old artist who likes to draw realistic portraits. My submission is of St. Therese of Lisieux. She is on of my favorite saints and a big inspiration of mine.

  95. Alaina Feldpausch

    Hello, is it alright to include a quote?

    • Dominic

      If the quote is artistically included around the art of the saint, and not a separate element, then yes.

      • Tayah Lewis

        Hi My name is Tayah Lewis I am 12 years old and I LOVE to draw and do arts and crafts, I have been doing distance learning because of the virus but it has been fun, I thought this would be a really fun project. I drew St. Gianna Bretta Molla as my Saint. I have always loved her, I think her story is super inspiring and I love reading about her. She was one of the most selfless people I have ever heard about. On the banner is one of her sayings, the stethoscope represents how good of a doctor she was, the heart represents how amazing of a mother she was, and the rose represents her flower.

  96. Eliza Claire Artigues

    My name is Eliza Claire, I am 14 years old. I chose St. Clare because she is my patron saint, and this particular portrait was a perspective challenge due to my lack of experience with markers. I usually sketch with pencils.

  97. Jennifer Artigues

    What formats may successfully be submitted. We scanned in my daughter’s art and it is in PDF format. We keep getting an upload error. Thank you!

    • Dominic

      Please upload in jpg format. Thank you!

      • Jennifer Artigues

        Thank you!

  98. Sophia

    I’m a 15 year old homeschooler who loves to draw. I love the Holy Family and wanted to do a portrait of them. I started coloring in March (with colored pencils), and worked on it on and off until I finished a couple weeks ago. It took about 20-30 hours to finish. I especially loved to draw St. Joseph, since it is the year of St. Joseph.

    • Dominic

      This is truly a stunning piece of art!

  99. Mary Lou

    Is it okay to draw Mary Mother? And should the saint be immediately recognizable?

    • Dominic

      Yes, Mother Mary counts! And either you or we can add the saint’s name to the artwork.

  100. Kateri

    Hey, sorry for another question, but is it preferred to have a background to the drawing? Or are the requirements just looking for a picture of the saint themselves?

    • Dominic

      You can add a background, certainly!

  101. Amy Chorne

    I’m not sure I understand how to submit art work properly…do we just copy the picture into the comment box?

    • Amy

      I actually tried that and it doesn’t work; I also don’t see an upload button. I’m sorry for being confused, but I don’t understand how the submittal works in the comment section.

      • Dominic

        Hi Amy, thank you for your note! Please refresh the page now; the upload feature shows up properly now.

  102. Cathy

    Is it OK for a student to use a reference photo of the saint while drawing? Thanks!

    • Dominic

      yes, of course! As long as it isn’t traced, and is an original piece of art.

    • Sofia De La Rosa

      Hello! My name is Sofia De La Rosa and I’m 13 years old. The saint I chose is St. Dymphma. Saint Dymphna is the patron saint of Anxiety, depression and mental disorders. I chose Saint dymphma because she is going to be my confirmation Saint.

      • Ruth

        I like this a lot! Great job.

  103. Shannon

    My daughter (homeschool 6th grader) will be 12 in January. She loves art, and she would love to submit an entry to the contest. Would her entry be accepted, or would she have to be 12?

    • Dominic

      Hi Shannon, I’m so pleased to hear that she’s good with art! For this particular contest, the rules are for students who are currently 12+, or within a month will be 12.

  104. Anomynous

    Is it permissible to trace the outline? Thanks!

    • Dominic

      As long as the finished product is distinct enough from the original piece of art, that can be allowed. But it should be substantially original, and your own work.

  105. Kristine Hornbek

    Can students submit only one entry?

    • Dominic

      yes, only one entry per student!

  106. Kateri Esposito

    Hello, I see that digital art is acceptable for this contest, does that men Adobe photoshop and illustrator are acceptable platforms to create the drawing?

    • Kateri


      • Dominic

        Perfectly fine. 🙂

  107. Alaina Feldpausch

    I have a basic sketch I would like to use for my final picture. I was wondering if I could do a wash of watercolor for the background/ clothing because I don’t like the was colored pencil comes out of the printer. The website mentions inking it with paint, does this mean only the mainlines? Sorry for the confusion.

    Alaina Feldpausch

    • Dominic

      Yes, you can watercolor it however you wish. You can use a clear pen for outlines, or paint, or a marker, if that matches the style of your art piece.

  108. Anna Lucia

    Is digital art a permissible media for the contest? Thank you!

    • Dominic

      Hi Anna, yes, that’s fine!


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