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St. Lucy Day Resources
Catholic Homeschool Online · St. Lucy Resources I am praying for all of you as we await the Light of the World. The feast of St. Lucy or better known in my Italian family as Santa Lucia, is the day our family traditionally sets up our outdoor Christmas light display. ...
It is All About Your Child
Catholic Homeschool Online · It's All About Your Child Pet peeve time, so buckle up and enjoy the ride. I have been at this homeschool coaching thing for over 25 years and as they old saying goes if I had a nickel for every time I heard “blank, blank, blank”...
Motivating Teens
Catholic Homeschool Online · Motivating Teens How do you make your teens do their school work? This is a question I get most often especially from the parents of older children, middle to high school age students. I should begin by first adding a disclaimer. Your...
Homeschooling and School Detox
Catholic Homeschool Online · Homeschooling And School Detox I recently heard an interview of two parents who have opted to homeschool, one of them rather recently, in the last two years to be exact. What struck me from the conversation was something we rarely discuss....
What is a Scapular? Why wear one?
Today July 16th is the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Happy Feast Day!!! On the 16th of July in the year 1251, Our Lady of Mount Carmel appeared to St. Simon Stock, a Carmelite, in Aylesford, England. She gave him a brown scapular and promised special protection...
Top Picks for ANCIENT ROME
You will quickly come to know that I have a thing for history! Love, love, love to learn about all different people, places, and things from the past. You could say my mom instilled this love in me at an early age. And I have since passed it on to my children as we...
Top Picks for Apologetics Catholic Style
Over my 25+ years of homeschooling I also ran our family business, Emmanuel Books, where I was able to review literally thousands of Catholic homeschool books. Yes, I said thousands of books!! Call me a book nerd, but I absolutely relish the time I spend reading,...
Our Family’s One Heart for the Sacred Heart
Catholic Homeschool Online · Blog One Heart For The Sacred Heart AUDIO Did you know that June is the month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus? Traditionally, the month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart as the feast day falls within the month. The history of...
How Homeschooling Builds Catholic Culture
Catholic Homeschool Online · BLOG How Homeschooling Builds Catholic Culture AUDIO It all begins with an invitation... Here is my Catholic culture story…yes, when my husband I began dating over 35 years ago, he invited me to go to Mass with him one Sunday. I had not...
Best Mother to Guide Your Family
Catholic Homeschool Online · BLOG Best Mother To Guide Your Family AUDIO Ever since my kids were little, they knew who was the "Best Mom in the World".... Mary, the Blessed Mother. This comes so clearly to their little hearts and I certainly was okay with coming...
Want to Change Behavior?
Catholic Homeschool Online · Want To Change A Behavior? (Audio) Recently the topic of changing behaviors came up. For example, you have a child who constantly daydreams or dawdles instead of doing their required assignments. What is a parent to do? We had such a...
Feast Day Resources: Annunciation
Catholic Homeschool Online · Blog Annunciation Resources AUDIO Mary's Yes and Our Yes! The Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord is a beloved feast day, for it is the day we rejoice in Mary’s YES to God! It only stands to reason that we and the Church...
Holy Week in Your Homeschool
Catholic Homeschool Online · BLOG: Holy Week in Your Homeschool AUDIO It's coming! That most sacred of weeks in the liturgical year, Holy Week! When the kids were little, I was much more on top of the liturgical colors and the upcoming liturgical seasons. Why? Well,...
St. Patrick’s Day Family Style
St. Patrick was amazing, he was all about prayer! I became overwhelmed at the sheer number of prayers attributed to this holy man, not only ones he wrote, but also many that were inspired by him.
Making New Friends Catholic Community Style
Paola Ciskanik, 25+ year homeschool veteran and host of the Catholic Homeschool Community shows you how to make new friends who are on the same homeschool journey! In this quick video we explore the Mighty Networks platform where we host our private, ad free, safe and...
Homeschool Reading Plan for Lent
Catholic Homeschool Online · Blog Lenten Reading Plan AUDIO Wow! It always seems that Lent arrives just when I need it most! Am I ready??? It always happens that I feel so dry right about now; I feel overwhelmed. Then, by the grace of God, in comes the season of...
The Power of Prayer This Lent
Catholic Homeschool Online · BLOG The Power Of Prayer This Lent Audio Lent is soon upon us! Yay! It comes when I need it most. How about you? Are you ready? And what about your family? I truly believe the BEST place to start with any new season or endeavor,...
Is Mommy Doubt Setting in Now?
Catholic Homeschool Online · BLOG: Is Mommy Doubt Setting In Now AUDIO I can remember vividly thinking that my mom knew everything. She was my superhero, who lived by the motto, “Things will always work out!” How did she do it all? My mom worked the tough job as a...
Homeschooling When Sickness Hits
Catholic Homeschool Online · BLOG Homeschooling When Sickness Hits I bet you can relate to this scene! You are nursing full time to the sick kiddos in your home, so you get derailed from teaching the kids not sick. Then when the sick ones get better, the healthy ones...
Top Tips to Wrap Up the Year
Catholic Homeschool Online · BLOG Top Tips To Wrap Up The Year AUDIO Here we are in the middle Christmas preparations and the new year is looming I will be quick... The struggle is REAL this time of year!! Do you ever feel as though you are not doing...
Advent Homeschool Tips
Catholic Homeschool Online · Blog Advent Homeschool Tips AUDIO While we all want Advent to be a peaceful time of waiting for the coming of the Christ child, it is a challenge to fit in all the liturgical celebrations, preparations for Christmas, and homeschooling on...
Tired Parents Guide to a Peaceful Advent
Catholic Homeschool Online · BLOG: Tired Parent's Guide To A Peaceful Advent AUDIO Let's hear top 5 tips from Dave and Debbie Cowden - fellow homeschoolers and the authors of The Prayer Book for Tired Parents: Practical Ways to Grow in Love of God and Get Your Family...
“Heavenly Peace” During Advent
Catholic Homeschool Online · Blog Heavenly Peace During Advent AUDIO Maintaining peace of heart as a mother during Advent may, in fact, seem a Christmas miracle. Lists, activities, shopping, cleaning, cooking, and decorating threaten to turn the bustle into hustle. We...
2023 Advent and Christmas Family Guide
Anticipation... Excitement.... Restlessness.... Are you and your children feeling any of these now??? It's that time of the year. Seasons are changing and we are feeling the anticipation of the Birth of our Lord. The world creates NOISE around this season, distracting...
All Souls’ Day with Children
Catholic Homeschool Online · Blog All Souls' Day With Children AUDIO This past year we had quite a few funerals, more than I can ever remember. I suppose in part it is due to my “getting on in years.” In part though, it was because some very dear ones died...
Cultivating Your Women Friends
Catholic Homeschool Online · Blog Cultivating Women Friends Audio It’s good to stop and smell the roses! Never take your women friends for granted. I need to remember that every now and then. I need to take a break and connect with other women. On the spur of the...
Homeschooling Using Strengths
Catholic Homeschool Online · Blog Homeschool Using Strengths AUDIO Ever since I can recall, I have always been fascinated by people’s interests and what has led them to where they are! In fact, it actually spilled into my planning and choices of how and what and why I...
Homeschool Poetry and Drama
Catholic Homeschool Online · Blog: Homeschool Poetry And Drama AUDIO Who has time for Poetry or Drama, Paola? Maybe you WANT to include poetry and a bit of drama BUT you barely make it through the day. After all with all the other IMPORTANT subjects, you know, the...
Spreading the JOY of Our Faith
Catholic Homeschool Online · BLOG Spreading The Joy Of Our Faith AUDIO Truth....young children are capable of so much more than we realize. I have found that children have a special capacity to get to the heart of some really sophisticated and complex realities of our...
Children’s Catholic Bibles For Homeschooling
Beginner Bibles Great Adventure Kids Bible Series By Emily Cavins and Sarah Christmyer Publisher: Ascension Press This dynamic learning system is designed to teach children the story of the Bible in an interactive manner by focusing on the narrative periods and...
Homeschool using Living History
Catholic Homeschool Online · BLOG Living History AUDIO "Living history" is infectious and constitutes a deep level of understanding. For our family, history is a family adventure, we immersed ourselves in a variety of time periods, even to point of having joined a...
Top Picks Medieval Books
For many years I had the rich treasure of reviewing books for our family's book business, Emmanuel Books. It is a joy to read and review thousands of books offered today to choose the very best ones that fit not only our family, but the needs of the thousands of...
Top Picks Ancient Egypt Books
For many years I had the rich treasure of reviewing books for our family's book business, Emmanuel Books. It is a joy to read and review thousands of books offered today to choose the very best ones that fit not only our family, but the needs of the thousands of...
2023 Virtual Catholic Homeschool Conference
Get Ready for the 2023 Catholic Homeschool Conference, hosted by our friends at Homeschool Connections. It is happening June 9th and 10th, 2023. Woo-hoo!!! To get all the juicy details..... I put together a 2023 Virtual Conference Guide book which has all the details...
Teach Multi-ages Family Style
Catholic Homeschool Online · BLOG Teach Multi - Ages Family Style AUDIO When it comes to homeschooling multi-ages, life can get super busy, super FAST! I keenly remember having all seven of my children in one year, K through 11th grade! Whoosh!! Many of the curriculum...
5 Tips to Get the Most From a Virtual Homeschool Conference
Catholic Homeschool Online · BLOG: How to get the MOST out of Conferences AUDIO Have you been to any virtual conferences? I have been able to attend several inspiring conferences recently, because I can do so without ever leaving my home, paying for a hotel, or gas....
How to Begin Homeschooling
Catholic Homeschool Online · BLOG: How To Begin Homeschooling AUDIO As an educating mom for over 25 years, I have the unique position of being both parent and teacher, simultaneously. This affords me with the privileged position of knowing my children as life-long...
Easter Season in Your Homeschool
Paola’s tips for celebrating the Easter Season with your family and through your homeschooling together.
The Good News the Homeschool Way
Catholic Homeschool Online · Blog The Good News The Homeschool Way AUDIO The other day I heard a knock on the door, who was it? Jehovah Witnesses. Now I will be honest, in the beginning of my homeschool journey, all too often, I shied away from any encounters to...
Art in Your Homeschool
Catholic Homeschool Online · Blog; Art In Your Homeschool AUDIO I wrote a blog article about Beauty in the lives of our children. Developing an eye for beauty helps to foster a love of beauty and in turn, the ability to recognize the author of beauty, Jesus Christ. ...
St. Valentine’s Day Family Style
Catholic Homeschool Online · St. Valentine's Day Family Style AUDIO Necessity is truly the mother of invention! Here is my story! In an attempt to spice things up a bit in our family homeschooling I was planning on doing all things St. Valentine! So off to the library...
The Secret to Homeschool Success
Catholic Homeschool Online · Blog:The Secret To Homeschool Success Want to know a secret? Sure you do! Drum roll pease… Homeschooling success comes from setting just one goal per child, per year! Yes, that’s it! At present, I am in the middle of personally working...
Behavior and Discipline
Catholic Homeschool Online · Blog: Behavior And Discipline (Audio) “Remember you are not perfect, and your kids have free will.” These precious words, uttered by a soul sister in Christ, have saved me time and time again! As a young mom I held fast to the erroneous...
Two Truths in 25 Years of Homeschooling
Catholic Homeschool Online · Two Truths In 25 Years Homeschooling AUDIO Yup! that is correct only two! Actually, there are many more! As I look back, not only over this year, but also over my 25 years of homeschooling my seven children, TWO very profound truths rise...
Checking in: How are you?
Catholic Homeschool Online · Blog:Checking In: How Are You? Overwhelmed or Having Fun? Just a quick note for a quick check-in... I am “Going to St. Joseph” these days of Advent and asking him in particular to protect your beautiful family. I am currently re-reading...
Is Homeschooling Your Kids a War?
Catholic Homeschool Online · Blog Audio: Is Homeschooling Your Kids A War Here we are in the middle of the semester or perhaps close to summer break (for those in the southern hemisphere) and we are struggling, bickering, not getting homeschooling done in any...
Science, Instilling Wonder
Do you and your kids love science? We do at our house. In fact, several of our kids have expressed this love by completing further studies in science in college. One son currently works in a Lab at Columbia University with his Biology degree and one daughter is a...
Teach Your Child to Read
There are a variety of ways to begin teaching your children to read. I have used the book Teach Your Child to Read in a 100 Easy Lessons successfully with six of our seven children (our oldest went our parish school for Kindergarten but that is another story). I...
Math: A Great Beginning Process
Experience, lots of it, has taught me time and time again that much of learning math skills and concepts in the early formative years is going to be learned through manipulatives, not workbooks. Granted, there may be children who already understand the connection...
Introducing Littles to History!
With the younger set, I really love to begin an introduction of history, and the concept of time, by simply telling stories. What kind of stories? I often began with the stories of my own family. My little ones and yours LOVE to hear the stories about "when mommy...