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“Paola’s calm, confident, and expert guidance was a key determinant in choosing to homeschool. “She helped us create a curriculum that challenged our daughter while keeping her passionate about her studies. “Paola is a true guardian angel.” – Tricia Q.
Latest Blog Posts
St. Lucy Day Resources
Catholic Homeschool Online · St. Lucy Resources I am praying for all of you as we await the Light of the World. The feast of St. Lucy or better known in my Italian family as Santa Lucia, is the day our family traditionally sets up our outdoor Christmas light display. ...
It is All About Your Child
Catholic Homeschool Online · It's All About Your Child Pet peeve time, so buckle up and enjoy the ride. I have been at this homeschool coaching thing for over 25 years and as they old saying goes if I had a nickel for every time I heard “blank, blank, blank”...
Motivating Teens
Catholic Homeschool Online · Motivating Teens How do you make your teens do their school work? This is a question I get most often especially from the parents of older children, middle to high school age students. I should begin by first adding a disclaimer. Your...
Latest Podcasts
Teaching Virtue to Children – The Catholic Homeschool Podcast
🎧 AUDIO VERSION: Catholic Homeschool Online · Monica Speach | Mother Cabrini And The Virtues Paola Ciskanik is joined in this podcast with Monica Speach, author and homeschool mom, who enthusiastically shares with us about one of her personal heroes, St. Francis...
Homeschooling During Lent
Catholic Homeschool Online · Homeschooling During Lent AUDIO Are your plans for Lent fitting into your homeschooling? Or are you still not sure what your family is doing this Lent? Are you already stressed??? Homeschooling is the wonderful blend of Faith AND...
Learn Spanish During the Holidays
Listen to the Audio OnlyI am so excited! This past week I had the opportunity to interview Adrienne Babbitt, my go-to expert on language learning in your home! In our SPECIAL EVENT PODCAST FOR THE CATHOLIC HOMESCHOOL COMMUNITY she shares how her family is connecting...