We have been searching for several years for a complete and handy prayer book for our older children. This book fit the bill, the wonderful devotional material contained in this brand new, pocket sized, student version of the well known Handbook of Prayers from the Midwest Theological Forum is perfect for your college or High school student. This book contains prayers and devotions on “How to be a Better Catholic”, including our call to holiness, a spiritual game plan, the Cardinal Virtues, the Capital Sins and opposed virtues; basic prayers including a Prayer Before the Day’s Work, a Consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary, a Brief Examination at Night; prayers to Prepare for Mass, and Prayers after Mass such as a Litany of Humility; Eucharistic Adoration prayers, such as Guides for Good Confessions; and devotions to the Blessed Trinity, Our Lord Jesus Christ , the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Mother and so much more. It is an amazing bargain too at only $5….
Handbook of Prayers: Student Edition
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