Bonnie Landry | How to Build Community & Friendships | The Catholic Homeschool Podcast

In today’s podcast, Paola sits down with Bonnie Landry, a Catholic Homeschooling Mother and host of the podcast: Make Joy Normal.

Listen or watch now! Or if you prefer, click here to read the transcript!

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Bonnie Landry

Catholic Homeschooling Mother and Podcaster

Bonnie Landry is a Catholic mom who lives in the little hamlet of Cobble Hill on Vancouver Island, British Columbia with her family. She and her husband Albert have been raising and homeschooling their seven children since 1987 with one year left to go. Joy is her modus operandi. Life is kind of a bust if you can’t get along with people. Bonnie’s podcast is Make Joy Normal, cozy homeschooling.

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