Parent as Teacher: Religion

Catechism of the Catholic Church_dropWhen my days are not going as planned, we make certain that this is the one subject taking priority.  Now, it may be occurring in our history lesson, in that we are discussing the Catholic perspective of the Reformation or the Spanish Inquisition, or the heroic deeds of our country’s forefathers. But most often, it is in our daily religion lessons, such as in, our discussions on the lives of the Saints, our sacrament preparation, our daily review and discussions on catechism, or our Scripture study.  We often use Bible readings as a time to ask the children to read aloud, a skill worth developing. Even for your proficient readers, reading aloud develops and strengthens their language development by seeing more sophisticated language patterns. For our little guys, the early Bibles for ChildrenBibles are great first readers.  We can also use the stories as narrations lessons, developing their ability to remember events in sequence.  By retelling some of the most beautiful Bible stories they begin the process of exposing them to the Divine, His Word of love and mercy. For the middle grade kids, the language of the Bible can be challenging, so we take time to pause and define difficult words. We reflect on particularly beautiful passages, or reflect on very, familiar passages but perhaps see them in a new light by reading and discussing them together.

The following items are our must-haves for the “Parent as Teacher.” These items can help your religion discussions or sacrament preparation.  They are solid, reliable resources in which to seek out answers. By doing so for yourself, you are modeling for your child a way to gather, and choose appropriate “tools of learning”.

Saints-books email2Catechism of the Catholic Church

Ignatius Catholic Bible

Beginning Apologetics Series

Lives of the Saints (age appropriate anthologies and chapter books)

And don’t forget a good Spiritual Director or Parish Priest…

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