Over my 25+ years of homeschooling I also ran our family business, Emmanuel Books, where I was able to review literally thousands of Catholic homeschool books. Yes, I said thousands of books!! Call me a book nerd, but I absolutely relish the time I spend reading,...
Our Family’s One Heart for the Sacred Heart
Catholic Homeschool Online · Blog One Heart For The Sacred Heart AUDIO Did you know that June is the month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus? Traditionally, the month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart as the feast day falls within the month. The history of...
St. Patrick’s Day Family Style
St. Patrick was amazing, he was all about prayer! I became overwhelmed at the sheer number of prayers attributed to this holy man, not only ones he wrote, but also many that were inspired by him.
Getting the Most Out of Holy Week
When the kids were little, I was much more on top of the liturgical colors and the upcoming liturgical seasons. Why? Well, because I made it part of my curriculum. Just like we teach our children the seasons of the year, as a Catholic mom, I taught the Liturgical...
Beauty in the Lives of Our Children
I recently listened to a talk by Bishop Barron gave to the Religious Education Congress in March last year. What struck me, to my very core, was that Bishop Barron whole heartily recommended the importance of Beauty in the lives of our children, as a means to keeping...
Catholic kids and the REAL St. Valentine
Necessity is truly the mother of invention! Here is my story! In an attempt to spice things up a bit in our family homeschooling I was planning on doing all things St. Valentine! So off to the library I went. Only to find that practically EVERYTHING I found was about...
Why Talk of Such Sadness? The Feast of All Souls
This past year we attended quite a few funerals, more than I can ever remember. I suppose in part it is due to my “getting on in years” as I am now in my late 50’s, in part though, it was because some very dear ones died way too soon. I am especially missing...
Praying for Departed Souls and Gaining Indulgences: Here’s how
Do you have a cemetery attached to your local parish or one close by? Did you know you can gain indulgences during the first days of November? Here's how...pass it on... Indulgenced Acts for the Poor Souls: A partial indulgence can be obtained by devoutly visiting a...
Paola’s Book Bites: Encounter the Saints Series
ENCOUNTER THE SAINTS SERIES St John Paul II: Be Not Afraid By Sr. Susan Helen Wallace, FSP John Paul II, who served as Pope during the last 25 years of the 20th century and who led the Church with hope into the third Christian millennium, was beatified six short years...
Paola’s Book Bites: Catholic Bibles
Best Catholic Bibles ever, reviewed for you by age group with details.
Get Ready to Thrive in Your Homeschool
4 simple steps to create your best year! 25+ years of homeschool experience compressed into 1 simple guide. Written by Paola Ciskanik