
An Invitation to Joy this Christmas

An Invitation to Joy this Christmas

Catholic Homeschool Online · Invitation To Joy This Christmas Joy is comprised of only three letters of the alphabet, yet it comprises so much more. Did you know JOY is used 172 times in the Bible? Pope Benedict XVI calls the Holy Spirit, the "Spirit of eternal joy"...

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The Power of Prayer This Lent

The Power of Prayer This Lent

 Catholic Homeschool Online · BLOG The Power Of Prayer This Lent Audio Lent is soon upon us! Yay! It comes when I need it most. How about you? Are you ready? And what about your family? I truly believe the BEST place to start with any new season or endeavor,...

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Getting the Most Out of Holy Week

Getting the Most Out of Holy Week

When the kids were little, I was much more on top of the liturgical colors and the upcoming liturgical seasons. Why? Well, because I made it part of my curriculum. Just like we teach our children the seasons of the year, as a Catholic mom, I taught the Liturgical...

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Beauty in the Lives of Our Children

Beauty in the Lives of Our Children

I recently listened to a talk by Bishop Barron gave to the Religious Education Congress in March last year. What struck me, to my very core, was that Bishop Barron whole heartily recommended the importance of Beauty in the lives of our children, as a means to keeping...

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Easter Joy

Easter Joy

Where was I last year at this time? Spiritually that is.... I wrote an article called, "One Thousand Gifts and Easter Joy." In it, I reflected on Ann Voskamp's book by the same title and my thoughts of having a thankful heart! Here is a bit.... Ann started a...

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“The one who has hope lives differently.”
This awesome quote is emblazoned on a souvenir tote I still use that contains the latest baby blanket I am working on. They are for the local Birthright and the tote bag is my constant reminder as I pray and crochet.

There is more time these days for me to sit and crochet.
I bet you are finding more time too with the current “stay home” orders to get to some of these often overlooked activities accomplished.

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Discipline: Where does it come from?

Discipline: Where does it come from?

I was praying the joyful mysteries at Adoration. As I prayed, I was struck by the fourth Joyful Mystery, which is the Presentation in the Temple…and the fruit of this mystery, which is obedience!

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The Feast Days of Advent

The Feast Days of Advent

In Advent, the season of preparation, it is not a coincidence that the Church gives us  some very special feast days .....beginning with our family favorite, the Feast of St. Andrew on November 30th.... we stand in thanksgiving for his "Yes" to follow Christ, to be a...

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Seven Lies About Catholic History

by Diane Moczar The author takes a close look at seven lies perpetuated by the culture and academia about the Catholic Church. She does not sugar coat any of the situations or deny corruption in the Church when it did, unfortunately, occur. In every age, but...

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Get Ready to Thrive in Your Homeschool

4 simple steps to create your best year! 25+ years of homeschool experience compressed into 1 simple guide. Written by Paola Ciskanik

Latest Posts & Podcasts

An Invitation to Joy this Christmas

An Invitation to Joy this Christmas

Catholic Homeschool Online · Invitation To Joy This Christmas Joy is comprised of only three letters of the alphabet, yet it comprises so much more. Did you know JOY is used 172 times in the Bible? Pope Benedict XVI calls the Holy Spirit, the "Spirit of eternal joy"...

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St. Lucy Day Resources

St. Lucy Day Resources

Catholic Homeschool Online · St. Lucy Resources I am praying for all of you as we await the Light of the World. The feast of St. Lucy or better known in my Italian family as Santa Lucia, is the day our family traditionally sets up our outdoor Christmas light display. ...

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It is All About Your Child

It is All About Your Child

 Catholic Homeschool Online · It's All About Your Child   Pet peeve time, so buckle up and enjoy the ride. I have been at this homeschool coaching thing for over 25 years and as they old saying goes if I had a nickel for every time I heard “blank, blank, blank”...

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Motivating Teens

Motivating Teens

 Catholic Homeschool Online · Motivating Teens How do you make your teens do their school work? This is a question I get most often especially from the parents of older children, middle to high school age students. I should begin by first adding a disclaimer.  Your...

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Homeschooling and School Detox

Homeschooling and School Detox

Catholic Homeschool Online · Homeschooling And School Detox I recently heard an interview of two parents who have opted to homeschool, one of them rather recently, in the last two years to be exact. What struck me from the conversation was something we rarely discuss....

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What is a Scapular? Why wear one?

What is a Scapular? Why wear one?

Today July 16th is the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Happy Feast Day!!! On the 16th of July in the year 1251, Our Lady of Mount Carmel appeared to St. Simon Stock, a Carmelite, in Aylesford, England. She gave him a brown scapular and promised special protection...

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