Are you too tired, too busy, or too distracted to make time to read aloud? You’ve spent all day as teacher, chef, housekeeper, peacemaker, chauffeur, you name it--- There are countless benefits to family read aloud sessions that go well beyond the educational,...
Reading & Phonics
Teaching Your Child to Read
There are a variety of ways to begin teaching your children to read. I have used the book Teach Your Child to Read in a 100 Easy Lessons successfully with most of our seven children. I really love that it is scripted. In other words, it tells mom exactly what to say...
Featured Author: Hilda Van Stockum
Want the perfect read aloud books for the family? One that will be enjoyable to a range of ages? Our family has fallen in love with all of Hilda van Stockum’s stories! Every time we finish reading aloud one of her books, we feel as if the characters have become old...
The Adventures of Tintin
By Herge Years ago, before the movie came out, a loyal customer and homeschool writer, Ana Braga Henebry, suggested we carry these books. From the very first book we obtained to present day, our kids cannot put them down. Written in the 1940’s and translated into many...
Get Ready to Thrive in Your Homeschool
4 simple steps to create your best year! 25+ years of homeschool experience compressed into 1 simple guide. Written by Paola Ciskanik