Catholic Homeschool Online · Blog Annunciation Resources AUDIO Mary's Yes and Our Yes! The Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord is a beloved feast day, for it is the day we rejoice in Mary’s YES to God! It only stands to reason that we and the Church...
Holy Week in Your Homeschool
Catholic Homeschool Online · BLOG: Holy Week in Your Homeschool AUDIO It's coming! That most sacred of weeks in the liturgical year, Holy Week! When the kids were little, I was much more on top of the liturgical colors and the upcoming liturgical seasons. Why? Well,...
Homeschool Reading Plan for Lent
Catholic Homeschool Online · Blog Lenten Reading Plan AUDIO Wow! It always seems that Lent arrives just when I need it most! Am I ready??? It always happens that I feel so dry right about now; I feel overwhelmed. Then, by the grace of God, in comes the season of...
One Thousand Gifts & Easter Joy
Having a Thankful Heart In my preparation for Easter this Holy Week, I recall picking up Ann Voskamp’s bestselling book, One Thousand Gifts, for the first time. I was familiar with it as I had often read quotes from it in the Magnificat's daily meditations. They were...
Get Ready to Thrive in Your Homeschool
4 simple steps to create your best year! 25+ years of homeschool experience compressed into 1 simple guide. Written by Paola Ciskanik