Catholic Homeschool Online · Homeschooling And School Detox I recently heard an interview of two parents who have opted to homeschool, one of them rather recently, in the last two years to be exact. What struck me from the conversation was something we rarely discuss....
Parent as teacher
What is a Scapular? Why wear one?
Today July 16th is the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Happy Feast Day!!! On the 16th of July in the year 1251, Our Lady of Mount Carmel appeared to St. Simon Stock, a Carmelite, in Aylesford, England. She gave him a brown scapular and promised special protection...
Top Picks for ANCIENT ROME
You will quickly come to know that I have a thing for history! Love, love, love to learn about all different people, places, and things from the past. You could say my mom instilled this love in me at an early age. And I have since passed it on to my children as we...
Advent Homeschool Tips
Catholic Homeschool Online · Blog Advent Homeschool Tips AUDIO While we all want Advent to be a peaceful time of waiting for the coming of the Christ child, it is a challenge to fit in all the liturgical celebrations, preparations for Christmas, and homeschooling on...
Tired Parents Guide to a Peaceful Advent
Catholic Homeschool Online · BLOG: Tired Parent's Guide To A Peaceful Advent AUDIO Let's hear top 5 tips from Dave and Debbie Cowden - fellow homeschoolers and the authors of The Prayer Book for Tired Parents: Practical Ways to Grow in Love of God and Get Your Family...
Homeschool Poetry and Drama
Catholic Homeschool Online · Blog: Homeschool Poetry And Drama AUDIO Who has time for Poetry or Drama, Paola? Maybe you WANT to include poetry and a bit of drama BUT you barely make it through the day. After all with all the other IMPORTANT subjects, you know, the...
Behavior and Discipline
Catholic Homeschool Online · Blog: Behavior And Discipline (Audio) “Remember you are not perfect, and your kids have free will.” These precious words, uttered by a soul sister in Christ, have saved me time and time again! As a young mom I held fast to the erroneous...
Discipline: Part 2 – The Discipline Dozen Tips
In my recent post about discipline, I talked about where obedience comes from. This is the first step in achieving harmony in the home. Remember not perfect harmony, but a grace-filled harmony derived by a deep desire to share your LOVE of Christ and a thanksgiving for the children he has loaned, oh so briefly to you!
To continue, here are some very real axioms, practical tips, that have proved successful. I call them the Discipline Dozen!
How to Make Read Aloud Time Work
Are you too tired, too busy, or too distracted to make time to read aloud? You’ve spent all day as teacher, chef, housekeeper, peacemaker, chauffeur, you name it--- There are countless benefits to family read aloud sessions that go well beyond the educational,...
Ready, Set, Go, Homeschool Mom!
I love this saying as it evokes a clear image for me! It is the image of a runner at the starting line of a race. They I love this saying as it evokes a clear image for me! Picture this, a determined, focused runner poised at the starting line of a...
Get Ready to Thrive in Your Homeschool
4 simple steps to create your best year! 25+ years of homeschool experience compressed into 1 simple guide. Written by Paola Ciskanik