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In today’s podcast, Paola sits down with founder of Heart Ridge Retreat Center, a place for families to find beauty that will draw them closer to God. They will discuss trusting God with your homeschool and the importance of nature in your life.
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Check out Tami’s website:
Check out her book, Smart Martha’s Catholic Guide for Busy Moms
Check out her content on the Catholic Video Platform, Formed:
Tami Kiser
Catholic Mother and Founder of Heart Ridge Retreat Center
Tami Kiser lives in the mountains in Sunset, South Carolina at a retreat center. She is a mom to 10 with 2 children still at home, and a grandmother to 10. She is an author of 2 books published by Our Sunday Visitor. She has produced numerous video programs for parents and women which can be found on Formed, a Catholic video platform. She currently holds a part-time teaching job with a long commute at St. Joseph’s Catholic school in Greenville, SC. The rest of her time and energy is spent running Heart Ridge Retreat Center with her husband, Keith. This involves planning retreats, camps, and conferences, as well as helping with the cooking, cleaning, and taking out the trash. She has a passion for nature and wildlife, and loves all forms of art and music. Her vision for the retreat center is for the people who visit to find beauty there that will draw them closer to God.