
What is a Scapular? Why wear one?

What is a Scapular? Why wear one?

Today July 16th is the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Happy Feast Day!!! On the 16th of July in the year 1251, Our Lady of Mount Carmel appeared to St. Simon Stock, a Carmelite, in Aylesford, England. She gave him a brown scapular and promised special protection...

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“Heavenly Peace” During Advent

“Heavenly Peace” During Advent

Catholic Homeschool Online · Blog Heavenly Peace During Advent AUDIO Maintaining peace of heart as a mother during Advent may, in fact, seem a Christmas miracle. Lists, activities, shopping, cleaning, cooking, and decorating threaten to turn the bustle into hustle. We...

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Children’s Catholic Bibles For Homeschooling

Children’s Catholic Bibles For Homeschooling

Beginner Bibles Great Adventure Kids Bible Series By Emily Cavins and Sarah Christmyer Publisher: Ascension Press This dynamic learning system is designed to teach children the story of the Bible in an interactive manner by focusing on the narrative periods and...

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Real Woman, Real Saints

By Gina Loehr  “Heaven’s doors are wide open and God is doing everything he can to make us all into saints.” —from Chapter Eight.  We know a great book when our children show us one! Full of famous and not so famous woman saints, from every station of life, each with...

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Handbook of Prayers: Student Edition

Edited by James Socias We have been searching for several years for a complete and handy prayer book for our older children. This book fit the bill, the wonderful devotional material contained in this brand new, pocket sized, student version of the well known Handbook...

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Surprised by Truth

By Patrick Madrid “When I received this book as a gift from my husband, little did I know that soon we would both be fighting to read it! It is absolutely a hopeful, inspiring collection of 11 conversion stories. You will be touched, moved and motivated to evangelize,...

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In The Footsteps of the Saints Series

By Brother Ernest, C.S.C.  We have been looking for a long time for suitable reading material for children who are ready for their very first chapter book.  Here are the perfect books.  These wonderful Catholic readers originally published in the 1940’s through the...

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Miniature Stories of the Saints

By Fr. Daniel Lord This is our absolute favorite collection of saint stories for retelling at the Kindergarten to second grade level. All seven  of our children have chosen most of the stories told in these sweet little books for their own personal saint books.  I...

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Book of Heroes

By Amy Welborn What a breath of fresh air to read a book written for children about real HEROES.  Amy Welborn has an incredible gift of relating deep truths to children in an easy to understand manner.  Her description of “What a hero is” alone is worth getting this...

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Get Ready to Thrive in Your Homeschool

4 simple steps to create your best year! 25+ years of homeschool experience compressed into 1 simple guide. Written by Paola Ciskanik

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What is a Scapular? Why wear one?

What is a Scapular? Why wear one?

Today July 16th is the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Happy Feast Day!!! On the 16th of July in the year 1251, Our Lady of Mount Carmel appeared to St. Simon Stock, a Carmelite, in Aylesford, England. She gave him a brown scapular and promised special protection...

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